EXTREME-IR – Extreme Optical Nonlinearities in 2d materials for Far-Infrared Photonics
Miriam Serena Vitiello
EU H2020 FET OPEN | 2021-2025

Elisa Molinari
EU H2020 FET Open | 2019-2024

MaX – Materials Design at the Exascale
Elisa Molinari
HORIZON-EUROHPC-JU-2021-COE-01 | 2022-2026
UE H2020 INFRAEDI RIA | 2018-2022

PE4 NQSTI – National Quantum Science and Technology Institute – SPOKE 5 “Electron-based platform for quantum technologies” – PE0000023
Next Generation EU PNRR | 2022-2025

PE4 NQSTI – National Quantum Science and Technology Institute – SPOKE 2 “Simulation, sensing and metrology” – PE0000023
Next Generation EU PNRR | 2022-2025

QC4QT – Advancing Quantum Computers for (and with) Quantum Thermodynamics (GA 101063316)

q-Lima – Light-matter interactions and the collective behavior of quantum 2D materials
Federica Bianco
PRIN 2020 | 2022-2025

Vincenzo Grillo
UE H2020 FETOPEN | 2020-2024

SPECTRUM – SuPErConducTing Radio-frequency switch for qUantuM technologies

Advanced characterization methods for the study of rare-earth single-ion magnets on oxide substrates
Valerio Bellini
CNR/CAS Bilateral Project | 2019-2021

Marco Affronte
AOARD project

aSTAR – Attosecond transient absorption and reflectivity for the study of exotic materials
Stefano Pittalis
MIUR PRIN 2017 | 2019-2022

Francesco Giazotto
Marie Curie Individual Fellowship | 2018-2020

EXC-INS – Excitonic insulator in two-dimensional long-range interacting system
Massimo Rontani
MIUR PRIN 2017 | 2019-2022

HARVEST – Learning from natural pigment-protein complexes how to design articial light-harvesting systems
Deborah Prezzi
MIUR PRIN 2017 | 2019-2022

GENESIS – Gate-controlled Superconducting Transistors
Francesco Giazotto
UE H2020 FET – LAUNCHPAD | 2021-2022

MINEON – Miniaturized Electron Optics for Nano controlled beams
Vincenzo Grillo
UE H2020 FET Open | 2021-2022

q-Land – Investigation of Quantum Landauer Principle on a Quantum Annealer
Michele Campisi
ISCRA-CINECA | 2021-2022

Q-SORT – The Quantum sorter: a new measurement paradigm in electron microscopy
Vincenzo Grillo
UE H2020 FET OPEN | 2017-2022

SPRINT – Ultra-Short Pulse laser Resonators IN the Terahertz
Miriam Serena Vitiello
ERC- Consolidator Grant | 2016-2023

SUPER – Supercomputing Unified Platform – Emilia-Romagna
Elisa Molinari
Emilia Romagna POR-FESR 2014-2020 | 2019-2021

Elia Strambini
H2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions IF | 2021-2023

Marco Affronte
UE H2020 FET OPEN | 2020-2023

SuperGate – Gate Tuneable Superconducting Quantum Electronic
Francesco Giazotto
UE H2020 FET OPEN | 2018-2022

SUPERTED – Thermoelectric detector based on superconductor-ferromagnet heterostructures
Francesco Giazotto
UE H2020 FET OPEN | 2018-2023

SUPERTOP – Topologically protected states in double nanowire semiconductor hybrids
Lucia Sorba
Quantera | 2018-2021

Miriam Serena Vitiello
UE H2020-MSCA-ITN-2017 | 2018-2022

TERASEC – THz imaging technology for public security
Francesco Giazotto
ERC – Proof of Concept | 2020-2022

TeroCode – TERahertz Optoelectronics for COmmunication in Difficult Environments
Leonardo Viti
Progetto CNR | 2021-2023

TOPOCIRCUS – Simulations of Topological Phases in Superconducting Circuits
Francesco Giazotto
UE H2020-MSCA-IF-2018 | 2019-2022